March 17, 2018


Yesterday, we had meetings in class with other groups. Sebastian, CJ, and I got split into different groups where we gave ideas to others and got feedback on our project. The results were interesting to say the least.

CJ said his group was mostly fine with what we had come up with. They gave us some ideas to improve our project. I don't remember them right now, but you're going to have to believe me. Sebastian's group felt we should make our introduction of the main character shorter. They wanted us to get into the meat of the movie quicker, while using more elements of horror throughout. They also recommended creating a mock draft of the film to see our ideas in action. We're probably going to do that just to see how well our ideas work. I don't know everything that happened here because it wasn't my group, but supposedly they liked some of our ideas, just felt a few things needed to change.

That leaves my group. Boy, was that fun. My group was very against us including a murder in our opening 2 minutes. They were adamant that we should focus on introducing and developing our killer. This is the exact opposite of what Sebastian's group said. I got into a long argument with my group about having a death in our opening. They said it was a really bad idea and argued no other movie did it. Just focus on character development. I said we were developing the character at the beginning, then using the murder to develop some of her tendencies as well as the fact that she's a serial killer. That went back and forth for a good 15 minutes. I don't really know why they were so against the killing taking place, it's definitely going to a point of development for our character. Still annoyed about that as I'm typing this.

When I got two contradicting pieces of advice.

We got some good advice from the group meetings. Sebastian and CJ still really want to include the murder, and so do I. So that's probably still going to happen. My group wanted us to develop why our character was a murderer more than we already did. We might end up doing that. We also got some good advice for our lighting and framing during production.

Silicon Valley [Television series episode]. (2015). In Silicon Valley. HBO.

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